The Pluto surface and mysteries was spectacular:ice plains,mountain ranges ,atmosphere & glaciers!98% probe flew by the dwarf of Pluto system ,show to us the “real” planet and its moons!
The Pluto surface and mysteries was spectacular:ice plains,mountain ranges ,atmosphere & glaciers!98% of Pluto surface is Nitrogen ice!
I believe Pluto still is a planet in our planetic system.
One of the most interesting observation about Pluto is its unusual relationship with its biggest moon Charon. Charon profits very closely to Pluto and has a very size fir moon.The Barycentre or “ the center of mass “for Charon & Pluto both , is outside of the primary object!!
Charon do not have the same origin like Pluto,is much darker. Charon profits very closely to Pluto and has a very size fir moon.The Barycentre or “ the center of mass “for Charon & Pluto both , is outside of the primary object!! Both objects are locked to each other ! Charon do not have the same origin like Pluto,is much darker.
Their orbits are circular and coplanar with Pluto’s orbit. Another observations was that among a vast mountains made of water ice there also some Cryovolcanoes !
Another thing is the dark spots on Pluto’s surface ! The biggest dark area called “Cthulhu Macula”.Is like a deposit of hydrocarbons.Similar deposit appeared in one of Saturn’s moon Iapetus .
In Pluto Methane atmoshpere as frost at higher altitudes of Pluto.
The biggest news it was that Pluto has an atmosphere!Pluto has a weak gravity the atmosphere if pressure in low 10 microbars!! Pluto’s atmospheric density was different 900.000 years ago, then could even had lakes with liquid nitrogen , and now new Horizon discovered a frozen over lake!!
Pluto’s mountains appeared so high (even though Pluto is very small size,)because Pluto gravity isn’t strong to pull them down . Pluto is very small size,)because Pluto gravity isn’t strong to pull them down .
The ashes of the man who discovered Pluto were put on board the probe so that he LITERALLY visited his discovery.Cremated remains of Clyde Tombaugh, the first person to get a glimpse of Pluto in 1930, is aboard the New Horizons spacecraft on its way to the dwarf star.Tombaugh died in 1997 and his ashes were placed in an aluminum capsule within the space probe in 2006.
They call Pluto “dwarf’ planet ,but Pluto is huge in another way.Also,in Greek Mythology was one of the most strong GOG ,his abilities included: A He can summon and control legions of the dead B:He can unleash endless waves of the dead to attack his enemies.C:He can control to a large extent the dead and spirits native to the Underworld. The giant heart shape named “ Sputnik Planetia”!!!It has a strong color contrast and it is the size of Texas state!!But Pluto and he heart temperature is -229celsius , pure water ice!!
There no craters means is a continually renewed future , or a new future!The ice turning into a gas , that’s probably explain the Pluto heart “ Sputlink Planitia”: it formed from an impact and ices filled the crater surface with a lipid ocean.
In astronomy we called this “ A gravitational anomaly” means the gravity is different on the same planet . New Horizon mission discovered that Pluto has a big heart ,(even after being rejected as a planet!) FROM PLUTO WITH LOVE!
Despina Mirou